Allemande,BWV-1013/1 (#2)Corrente,BWV-1013/2 (#3)Sarabande,BWV-1013/3
(#4)Bourr'ee Anglaise,BWV-1013/4 (#5)Menuet(1),BWV-1006/4
(#6)Sinfonia,Cantata#156,BWV-1052/2 (#7)Arie,BWV-1068/2
(#8)Andante,BWV-1003/2 (#9)Andante,BWV-826/1:The
Mid-Section (#10)Sarabande,BWV-1007/4 (#11)Gavotta,BWV-1006/3:not
en Rondeau (#12)Prelude,BWV-1012/1
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Appendix(1)The 9 Bars from the Canatata#147


Music Reviews from International Double Reed Society.
Ronald Klimko
"My"little"BACH-BOOK for A Solitary
Bassoonist" arranged by Ryohei Nakagawa
Sugihara Shoten CO.,Inc.(Pipers Magazine)
What a pleasure it is to review this wonderful new
publication by Pipers Magazine of Japan.
It is a book of arrangements for bassoon of the
most beautiful melodies of J.S.BACH by the distinguished
Japanese bassoonist/arranger/conductor Ryohei Nakagawa.
But, alas, the above does not even BEGIN to describe
the delights of this lovely collection. The whole
book is truly a work of art ! The entire design,
illsutlations, and the music itself are in Nakagawa's
own hand. It is full of wonderful little personal
notes to the performer throughout. Moreover the
music is also in the arranger's hand. Included in
the music are some of BACH's most beautiful tunes
beautifully edited, arranged and artistically rendered
by this gifted artist. There are wonderful homilies
included in the collection as well, such as the
fact that one need not be forced to play any of
the works thru entirely, but instead can fermata
at a cadence anytime and take some time out, perhaps
for a cup of tea !
Another essay notes that it is not necessary to
be overly concerned if the music looks very black,
because Baroque music often used the eighth note
for one beat(as opposed to the quarter note in the
Classic Romantic era, or the half note in Hollywood
music of the 20th Century).
The book also has two Appendices : One is of the
bass lines and continuo parts to the arranged works
#6-9",.......Just in case you feel so lonesome
and are not that much solitary person. The second
is a delightful exercise playing 9 bars from Canatata
#147, which Ryohei suggests one memorizes and play
in all keys chromatically beginning low in E flat
Major and ending high(too high!) in F major. Here
he has carefully notated the venting for the middle
register notes, or in his words"......the OCTAVE-EY-SYSTEM-PLAYING
which I was given from the late Mr.Fredrick Moritz
of the Los Angels Philharmonic......"with a
"o" for the C key and a"+" for
the A key. He also shows when to "lock"
the whisper key down for low register playing. Of
the last two versions in high E flat, E and F Major,
he notes : "Do not even, try #25,26,and 27.
They are just to be looked at. In case if you can
play them , keep it to only yourself never tell
it to anybodyelse especially composers You know
why. Don't you ?"
This is truly a fun book to own and use. Lately
I have kept it on my music stand for playing through(or
at) when I want an enjoyable diversion, or often
when I am testing a new reed out. I recommend it
strongly as a MUST HAVE for every bassoonist, not
only as a fun Etude book, but more importantly as
a beautiful work of art !!
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the shipping charge. Please make payment through PayPal
to our PayPal address at shop@pipers.co.jp
3. As soon as we have confirmed your payment, we will ship
your order and let you know by email.
order to make your payment, you must first register with
PayPal. Please view the website for PayPal for instructions
on how to register and make payments. If you are already registered with PayPal, email to shop@pipers.co.jp
Shoten Co.Inc./PIPERS Magazine
Daini Arakawa Bldg.2-1-1
Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
104-0031 JAPAN
Phone:+81-3-5205-3666 / FAX:+81-3-5205-3667
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